About Endorphin Active products

The "Endorphin Active" range is a skincare innovation, focusing on a careful selection of natural ingredients and the latest scientific findings.

Ingredients such as powerful antioxidants, essential oils and botanical extracts work together to fight signs of ageing, inflammation and oxidative stress, leaving skin refreshed and radiant. Each product in the range is designed to stimulate the production of endorphins, those neurotransmitters known as 'happy hormones', which not only improve mood but also promote healthy, vibrant skin.

The ENDORPHIN-ACTIVE range stimulates the production of β-endorphins in the skin and makes the complexion look relaxed and fresh. It contains hyaluronic acid and is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

    • Reduces neurogenic inflammation of the skin, showing similar results to hydrocortisone in regenerating the skin barrier
    • Targeting stress
    • Increases skin intensity and brings energy to combat signs of fatigue.

Try the ENDORPHINE-ACTIVE skincare routine.